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The New England CoDA Alliance hosts a weekly CoDA Meeting on Zoom


6PM to 7:30PM Eastern time.

All are welcome.


Meeting ID: 881 7368 1011

Passcode: 788150





To find any other CoDA meeting, click here, which will take you to the meeting list.


That’s where all the information for all meetings is now maintained.


The New England CoDA Alliance has no ability to change your group's listing.


We have no information about any meeting. If you need information regarding any meeting other than our Wednesday Evening Zoom Meeting, please visit here.


Once on the Find a Meeting page of the CoDA World Site, click on your state and you will see a list of towns and cities where there are meetings.


We suggest that you verify the day, time, and location with a Meeting Contact before setting out to the meeting.

GSR Message

Each meeting's Group Service Representative or Meeting Contact is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the listings. Remember to update your meeting annually on the website, or when your information changes. If you need help from us, please send an email to or come to one of our conference calls. All members are welcome at our monthly conference calls.

© CoDA Intergroup, Inc.  2020-2021

These pages may not have been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.

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